The Lynda tutorial I
watched was about teaching future ready students. The video was about 2 hours long
but it had different sections you could skip around to. I watched it on my
laptop on April 11th. I logged onto and read the different
categories. There was a lot of technological ones but the education tab caught my
eye. I clicked on that and when I saw one about “future ready students” I
thought it related to this class a lot.
the lesson, it talked about how classrooms used to look like versus now.
Before, classrooms and workplaces were lined with desks all in rows. But now
desks are grouped together for collaboration. It mentioned different methods of
engagement for students. It also talked about how students in classrooms now are
getting more engaged as they have more autonomy in the classroom. It also mentioned
student motivation beyond grades. Kids need to realize that failure leads to success.
Even the leaders of today, failed at some point.
I found the lesson to be very interesting and
I enjoyed listening/watching it. I liked how the website provided the writing
of what the video was saying underneath. It gave you the option to follow along
with the video. It highlighted the words as it was playing and it was really
helpful. I may use this site in the future because it not only has education
videos but videos for everyday needs!