Monday, March 28, 2016

Post #9

The flipped classroom is when students view their lessons via online before they come to class the next day. This is so that class time will be devoted to asking questions and working problems or review on the subject matter instead of taking all class to teach it. A good website for this could be or These websites have tons of videos and tutorials for students. I once had a teacher who made his own YouTube videos that he shared with our class on Edmodo the night before the lesson. 

The website Education World looks like it has a lot of good resources for teachers. It includes books and articles

in PDF form to help manage your classroom for both new and old teachers. The website URL is

With the PowerPoint interaction assignment, I learned how to make an interactive game/activity for students to use. I never knew how to link slides in a non- linear pathway! I liked that we could pick what to do our activity on and what style (quiz, adventure, etc.). I did not like how long it had to be. I got a little confused when doing it forgetting how many I had linked and to which slides. The non- linear gets a little confusing. I can improve on it next time by keeping track of my slides and how many I need. I could also make my presentation more complex and detailed. In my future career, I can teach my students lessons by making them participate in interactive activities such as a quiz. It is a good way to help them practice the material taught.

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